New Year's Eve and Welcome 2019

at Sunday, June 09, 2019

Sunday, June 9, 2019

On New Year's Eve we ventured to White Beach, which is a military base that also has this beautiful beach and campground/cabins.  I am still in awe at how beautiful this place is!

 On the way home we stopped at an overlook and was again amazed at the view.  While I did hit the "enhance" button on my camera, this is pretty much how the sky and water looked here.  It was gorgeous!

 The New Year's Day tradition in Okinawa is to go with your family to the nearest beach and watch the first sunrise of the new year together.  We decided to make this our tradition too and early before the sun rose, we walked 1/2 mile to the beach to act like the locals.

 Caleb finished up his basketball season not long after the new year.   He had a great time playing and had a great coach and team.

 Here is a photo of the giant snails here, that we are pretty sure we have been warned against (something about they're slime is super poisonous and has some bacteria that will get into your bloodstream and mess with your brain)!
 I had to post this photo because it was so cute!  They were out walking their little nursery school kiddos and pushing them in these little carts.